Bob Friedenberg,Esq. 

Mediator   •   Arbitrator   •   Referee   •   Special Master 

225 Broadway

Suite 1400
San Diego, California 92101

Tel: ​(619) 233-1323

"Bob Friedenberg did a very good job with a difficult set of facts and clients. He was very professional, and kept the dialogue going. He saw it through until the end, and made sure that the parties signed their prepared agreement. He did a fantastic job. I would recommend using him again."

"This was not a big case monetarily. It involved a home purchase from first time home buyers. Thus, it was emotional for both the buyers and the seller, an individual. Bob did a 10+ job in keeping the parties talking and moving. He worked really hard to get this case settled, even going well past the initially agreed upon ½ day. I really appreciated Bob’s efforts, even though at the time, I was not appreciating his thoughts about my client’s side of the case. That is when a mediator really earns respect and admiration. Moreover, Bob worked with the 3 parties to get the settlement reduced to writing. Thank you again."
